The Stages of Pregnancy

Stages and Monitoring of Pregnancy

First Trimester of Pregnancy
Second Trimester of Pregnancy
Third Trimester of Pregnancy

First Trimester of Pregnancy

First trimester – 1st week (conception) to 12th week

1st Month of Pregnancy

Pregnancy symptoms are different for every woman. It is the month when the woman discovers that she is pregnant usually with a pregnancy test because her expected period did not come.

Changes you may notice

– Motion sickness. The first symptoms of morning sickness usually appear in the first month.
– Breast sensitivity
– The breast or nipples may experience a swelling and tenderness to the touch
– Drowsiness and feeling tired
– The increase in chorionic gonadotropin can result in an increased urge to urinate


What to expect during the visit to the clinic?

We measure weight and height as well as blood pressure. A complete medical history is also taken and a complete laboratory test is given which includes, among others, blood group, hemoglobin electrophoresis, sickle cell test, toxoplasma erythematosus, CMV (cytomegalovirus), listeria, general blood, general urine, HIV, HBSAG, HCV VDRL and cystic fibrosis. The woman receives advice on nutrition during pregnancy, changes in her daily life, sexual contacts and it is recommended to stop smoking completely due to the harmful consequences on the fetus.
The woman is receiving folic acid and her next visit is scheduled.


2nd Month of Pregnancy

Changes you may notice

During the 2nd month, the symptoms may remain the same or even intensify and the woman may have a tendency to vomit. The visit to the doctor’s office may allow the parents, depending on the week, to see the fetus by ultrasound (after the 5th week we can see the sac and after the 6th we can see the fetus and its heart and hear the pulse).

How does the fetus develop?

The fetus is now a tiny human creature. The heart is beating, the brain is developing and all the limbs are developed. The eyes are not fully developed.

What to expect when visiting the doctor’s office?

The visit to the doctor’s office may allow the parents, depending on the week, to see the fetus by ultrasound (after the 5th week we can see the sac and after the 6th we can see the fetus and its heart and hear the pulse).

It is a very important and emotional visit for the pregnant woman because she sees her baby on the ultrasound for the first time.


3rd Month of Pregnancy

Towards the end of the 3rd month the embryo is now fully developed.

Changes you may notice

Nausea and vomiting usually subside. Appetite gradually increases and a particular attraction to certain foods may be observed. The mood improves

How does the fetus develop?

The embryo is now fully developed and is up to 10cm long depending on the week. It even shows claws. He moves his limbs (arms and legs) normally but the pregnant woman cannot understand it. The chance of miscarriage is greatly reduced at this level.

What to expect during the visit to the clinic?

Towards the end of the third month between the 11th and 14th week a very important test is done with the cervical transparency which in combination with a PAPP-A blood test gives us a very good picture of the health of the fetus and if there is the possibility of chromosomal abnormalities (for example Down syndrome). Also during this period, a trophoblast biopsy can be done if deemed necessary, during which we take a sample from the placenta and send it for testing.


Second Trimester of Pregnancy​

Second Trimester – From the 13th week to the 28th week.

4th Month of Pregnancy

Now the hormones stabilize, the nausea and vomiting subside and the pregnant woman feels much better. It also changes in appearance now because the belly is growing.

Changes you may notice

– Towards the end of the month, he can feel the baby’s first movements.

– You may feel a slight burning in the stomach because the uterus is growing.

– Increasing the mood for sexual intercourse

– The belly swells because the baby is growing

– The appetite for food increases because now the nausea and tendency to vomit are gone.

How does the baby develop?

The baby can be from 12 to 16 cm. The face and heart are fully developed but the lungs are not yet. The baby’s eyes will open this month.

What to expect when visiting the doctor’s office?

In this visit, we check the weight and blood pressure of the pregnant woman, we check the growth of the fetus with an abdominal ultrasound and, if necessary, we also measure the length of the cervix with a transvaginal ultrasound. Also in this month we usually see the sex of the fetus. We check the urine for sugar and albumin as well as do blood tests.
During the 4th month, the amniocentesis is performed if deemed necessary to check the chromosomes and other diseases of the fetus.
Also, from this month, the non-invasive prenatal check-up can be done with a single blood draw if deemed necessary or if the couple so wishes. This examination is not diagnostic, but it shows us if a baby has increased or decreased chances for any chromosomal abnormality.


5th Month of Pregnancy

You are in the middle of pregnancy!!! You feel the baby constantly moving in the belly and you feel great.

Changes you may notice

– Usually most women have gained from 2 to 6 kg by now

– The uterus is the size of a melon

– Appetite increases.

– You may feel bloated or constipated

– There may be a feeling of fatigue

How does the baby develop?

The baby is about 250 g and its length is from 16 to 23 cm. Its body is covered by a protective down. During this time fingerprints also appear and in girls the ovaries develop.

What to expect when visiting the doctor’s office?

Apart from the routine check up (general blood count, general urine measurement, weight and blood pressure measurement) during this 21st-22nd week period, a very important test, the β-level ultrasound, is carried out. With this examination, we thoroughly check all the baby’s organs (heart, brain, digestive tract, lungs, kidneys, limbs, vessels).


6th Month of Pregnancy

Changes you may notice

– The uterus is the size of a basketball and has passed the level of the navel

– Discomforts such as heartburn, bleeding gums, constipation, hemorrhoids and cramps are common at this stage of pregnancy.

– There is an increased feeling of fatigue and it is good for the pregnant woman to rest more.

How does the baby develop?

The baby now weighs from 400-900 grams depending on the week. From now on the baby grows faster. Its length is about 25 cm. The eyes now open and close, the vocal cords function and the eyebrows appear.

What to expect when visiting the doctor’s office?

The standard check up is done and during this time we usually also check for gestational diabetes with the sugar curve. Ultrasound we now emphasize the development of the fetus.


Third Trimester of Pregnancy

Third Trimester – From the 29th week to the 40th week (childbirth).

  • 7th Month of Pregnancy

The pregnant woman enters the 3rd trimester. The day of delivery is getting closer and closer.

Changes you may notice.

– The woman feels cramps in her arms and legs more often.

– You may feel more frequent baby movements

– Your joints may feel looser as they soften for childbirth.

– Some women may experience Braxton-Hicks contractions which are not labor contractions. They may be due to the baby’s movements, after sexual intercourse, when the bladder is full or dehydration.

How does the baby develop?

Fat begins to appear under the baby’s skin. The length is about 28 cm and it weighs from about 1000 to 2000 grams depending on the week.

He can now see, hear and taste and his brain and nervous system are developing at a rapid pace.

What to expect when visiting the doctor’s office?

  • Weight and blood pressure are checked, as well as general blood, general urine and sugar.
  • The development of the fetus, the amniotic fluid and its position are checked.
  • If the woman is Rh negative blood group she can do a Rhesogamma injection to avoid complications later.
  • Visits may now increase in frequency.
  • It is the right time for the pregnant woman to talk to her doctor about the birth plan, if she wants an epidural or not, about breastfeeding and everything related to the birth.


8th Month of Pregnancy

The baby grows very quickly (its weight increases by 200-250 grams per week) and the woman may be tired and stressed as the time of delivery approaches.

Changes you may notice

– Heartburn and constipation may be more intense

– You may feel discomfort as the baby grows and presses on the ribs.

– You may feel a feeling of weight in the pelvis as the baby takes its position.

– Stretch marks may appear on the abdomen

– Braxton Hicks contractions continue.

How does the baby develop?

In length it can now be 30 cm and weighs from 2 to 2.8 kg depending on the week. The lungs and brain continue to develop. Movements may now be reduced as there is less room for him to move. Most babies are head down (cephalic) as opposed to some babies who are head up called breech and others who may be in a transverse position.

What to expect when visiting the doctor’s office?

  • Control of weight, blood pressure, general blood sugar and general urine
  • The position of the fetus, its development and the amniotic fluid as well as the perfusion of the placenta and the brain are controlled by Doppler ultrasound.
  • We take vaginal fluid cultures and check for group B β hemolytic streptococcus as well.
  • Clinic visits are more frequent – every two weeks.


9th Month of Pregnancy

The countdown to the birth has begun. Feelings such as anxiety, impatience and fatigue alternate as the day of delivery approaches.

Changes you may notice

– You may be able to breathe better as the baby has moved into the pelvis leaving more space in the abdomen.

– Sleep can become more difficult due to the size of the baby

– Your weight reaches its highest point

How does the baby develop?

The baby’s lungs continue to mature. The brain develops at a great rate this month. The baby is about 45 to 50 cm long and weighs between 2.5 and 3.5-4 kg.

What to expect when visiting the doctor’s office?

– Mother and fetus control continues and becomes more frequent and weekly towards the end of the month.

– The Doppler to check the perfusion of the fetus can be repeated if necessary and another examination which checks the heart function in combination with the activity of the uterus – the cardiotocogram – is done this month.

The doctor gives advice on all the possible possibilities of the onset of labor, for example if contractions start or if the membranes spontaneously rupture (the waters break) and what the pregnant woman should do.

Also discussed is the possibility of inducing labor if there is no spontaneous onset of labor.


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